Your Most Powerful Word to Start 2025 | Jan 5, 2025 | 3 of 6

Back before Christmas, I shared my favorite go-to goal-setting and tracking tool, the Best Self Journal (see blog post here>>). Then, just after the new year, I explained my review process for the past 12 months (see blog post here>>). This process spans trading, personal matters, relationships, health, and well-being. 

Whether you’ve tried these tactics or not, I now want to challenge you to do something very simple yet highly effective.

At the start of the year, time stretches out before you like a blank canvas. While technically imaginary—since the future hasn’t happened yet—this time is full of potential.

What You Want for 2025 with THIS Powerful Word

I invite you to focus in on an area of growth you want to pursue in your life. It can be trading or other parts. Follow my example here:

Hima’s Trading Example: Learning New Software

I’ve been using TradeStation for years, as it’s what my dad introduced me to. It’s served me well for E-mini S&P 500 futures day trading. However, I’ve noticed that companies like TradingView are innovating much more, and many traders I mentor in my Blueprint program use TradingView. So learning this charting and trading platform would benefit both my personal trading and education business.

Initial Statement: I don’t know how to use TradingView.

Updated Statement: I don’t know how to use TradingView… yet.

Those 3 letters are so amazing! They word “yet” instantly turns a problem or gap into an opportunity. The moment I added it, I felt inspired and got ideas:

–> I can learn from Tribe members who already use TradingView

–> I can tap into tutorials and resources that are online to get started

–> I could even take my existing Chart Setup Orientation videos across my courses and learn each tool in the TradingView way, teaching others while learning myself!

Hima’s Fitness Example: Expanding My Routine

I currently train with a personal trainer twice a week, which has been transformative for my fitness. However, I know I need more regular cardio and strength training sessions.


I don’t do regular cardio… yet.

  • I could listen to a favorite podcast or show exclusively while on a treadmill or stair climber.
  • This entertainment might make machine-based cardio feel less like a chore and more enjoyable.

Strength Training:

I don’t strength train three times a week… yet.

  • By paying more attention to what my trainer has me do, not just blindly following, I can piece together exercises into a full workout for myself. 
  • I could have my trainer review them, then confidently add a 3rd solo gym weight-lifting session each week.

Applying “Yet” to Your Life

Are you beginning to see how the word “yet” opens up a world of possibilities ?!?

Before you leave this post, take a moment to jot down 3 to 5 statements about your trading or personal life. Type, write, use your phone’s voice memo feature, or just say them aloud (a whisper is fine!).

When you do this, frame these statements around something you feel is missing or an area you want to grow in. Here are a few examples specific to trading:

  1. I can trade in bullish conditions, but I don’t know how to adapt my setups to bear markets… yet.
  2. I know how to swing trade stocks, but I don’t know how to day trade options… yet.
  3. I understand how to use momentum from Hima’s RSI Power Zones indicators and education, but I don’t know how to apply Lost Forecasting techniques… yet.
  4. I don’t have a trading plan that I can follow for consistent results…yet.
  5. I don’t know how to manage my emotions in my trading to bridge the gap from learning to application…yet.

Keep going if you like! Jost as many “yet” statements as you can think of.

Why This Matters

If you’re reading this, it’s likely because you believe there’s untapped potential in your trading. 

  • You’ve been losing money and want to make the bleeding stop
  • You’re trading OK in simulated mode but apprehensive about moving to live money
  • You’re making profits but not maximizing your wins, especially for your account size.

No matter where you’re at right now, incorporating “yet” into your planning can help unlock that potential. 

Next? Sleep On It (Literally)

After you do this sort of “brain dump” as I call it, it’s natural to feel a bit overwhelmed or confused about what step to take next. That’s why this is when you let everything stew in your brain, ideally overnight, before coming back to it. 

So whenever you finish your “yet” list – again, it doesn’t have to be long, just authentic to you! – take a break ideally with an entire sleep in the middle. There’s science behind this, because of how we process information consciously versus subconsciously.

I’ll then come back and share how to take this brain dump and move to the next exercise to set your goals for your 2025 trading, stay tuned!

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